Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Funny Halloween Costumes to Amuse You

Are you fed up of the traditional Halloween costumes like zombies, vampires, witches, or fairies, etc? If so you should consider Funny Halloween costumes that are inventive and at the same time comical.

Who said that Halloween costumes must always be eerie and spooky? Why don’t you go out of your way to be creative and whimsical? You can select ordinary funny Halloween costumes like a ketchup bottle, the funny Stan outfit South Park Halloween Costume or opt for funny Halloween costumes that are outlandish and wild.

Funny Halloween costumes are available for adults, children and toddlers. Here are some samples of funny Halloween costumes for you to choose from.

Funny Halloween costumes for baby- Tootsie Roll Costume for Baby is a timeless classic which is adorable and yummy. Mullins Square Lobster Baby Costume is very original. The lobster claws are attach to the hands so whenever the baby is waiving his arms, it appears as though he is waiving his claws. Other costume ideas are cute monkey costume, Cozy Cow costume, and Lil Lion costume.

Funny Halloween costumes for boys and girls- Children’s Shark Costume presents a one-piece over the body shark costume with fake legs sticking out of the shark’s mouth. The arms of the child manipulate legs so that person being eaten appears to be kicking. Cheetah Cat Girl Costume is a one-piece body suit with cheetah print and attached hood with face mask with ears. Other options are Scooby-Doo Daphne costume, SpongeBob costume, and Mario costume.

Funny Halloween costumes for adults- There are large selection of hilarious costume ideas for men and women. Some offer clean humor while others are costumes with sexual overtone.

Some examples of Funny Halloween costumes for men that offer clean humor are Inflatable Sumo Costume, Fat Lady Halloween Costume, Crazy Cat Lady Costume, and Bull Rider Costume.

Samples of funny Halloween costumes for women are Paris Hilton Prisoner Costume, Girl Nerd Costume, and Giggle the Clown Costumes.

Funny Halloween costumes for adult with sexual overtone are Plug and Socket Couple Costume, Genie in the Lamp Costume, Men Stripper Costume, and Naughty Snake Charmer Costume.

Funny Halloween Costumes can make this Halloween amusing and add smile to the faces of people you encounter.
